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Classic: Create receipts/Superbills from Contacts

  • Go to a patient's contact record

  • Scroll to the Receipt section

  • Click the "New Receipt" buttton

  • Click Save

  • Add ICD and CPT codes and Products to the Receipt

  • Accept Payment

  • Click on the “Print Receipt” button to generate a PDF and print for your patients.

  • Here is an example receipt.

Changing the price of a treatment for one patient

On occasion, you may need to give a patient a different price for a treatment. For example, if you run a sliding scale clinic. You can do this from two place, on the SOAP note or the receipt.

Shown are instructions from a SOAP note and the same steps can be applied from a receipt.

  • After you have added your treatment codes, click the “Edit” link next to the code you want to price change.

  • Enter the desired price and click “Save”

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